Start streaming to enhance your ministry!
Streaming your service allows those that are unable to attend the service in person to consume your content. People maybe unable to leave the house or may just prefer to stay in their pajamas. Streaming your service allows you to increase the reach of your ministry and find new ways to connect with your community.
We pride ourselves on our service. We help provide custom solutions and help implement the setup to give your Church a jump start. We have lessons learned and continue to find the best way to implement on whatever the budget. Once the requirements have been gathered and gained approvals to move forward, we will promptly complete your project to meet your needs.
One of the biggest questions is ‘how’. “How do I do this”, or “how do I do that”. Don’t worry, we have all been there. Web Buildout will fully document and teach you how to update and maintain it. Want an easier approach? We can help maintain and fix future issues. Let’s face it, technology is constantly changing and adapter faster than most can keep up with it.
Many ask us how do we setup and what does our solution look. We’ve had great experience using a tool call vMix to stream content. We implement other tools based on customer needs such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, NDI, PowerPoint, Facebook Live, YouTube, OneDrive, Google Drive, and the list continues!

Now that you know how easy it is to get started, let’s do it! Contact Us today for a free estimate or questions that you may have. There is no obligation or pressure to move forward. Looking forward to hear from you soon!